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This mysterious stone monument, about 130 centimeters high, has become the epicenter of interest in mysteries and legends because it carefully preserves the undiscovered secrets of the past.

The legend that accompanies this monument says that once upon a time there was a church on this site, which the angels moved to another place because of wicked people, leaving behind only this mysterious altar.

Experts place it in the Celtic era, while others claim that it lies on an energy point that once attracted the construction of a sanctuary. Radiesthesy therapists, bioenergists and researchers of mysterious phenomena from all over the world come here attracted by the powerful energies that surround the Altar. The energy of this mystical place works on visitors like a spell. Regardless of whether it is about archeological intrigues, energy emissions or legends that surround this mysterious place, now that we have settled there, you will agree that this is a great location to absorb a part of this special energy, and the nature will delight you.