In this mysterious part of the Ivanec area, the story of past times intertwines with incredible landscapes and mystical legends. An extraordinary locality known as Gradišće, a place that holds numerous historical secrets, is located here.
This area hides the remains of the building. This remarkable structure, about 150 meters long and 25 meters wide, intrigues everyone who dares to look into the past. Although the origin of this building remains hidden from us, its existence goes deep into the times that preceded the modern era. Archaeological research has revealed traces of pottery from the Bronze Age.
For centuries, legends have been passed down from generation to generation, creating stories that have become an indispensable part of this mystical place. The stories about the white and red friars certainly contribute to the mystique of this locality. It is believed that these white and red friars were Templars, an order of knights whose heraldic features were reflected in a white robe with a red cross. This link from the past evokes various possible constructions about the history and secret societies that resided here.