Active rest

Let's take a walk in and around Ivanec!

Lovers of walks and a variety of activities on the promenades in Ivanec will really enjoy themselves. From the promenade "Ivanec watermill trail" where we learn everything about the history of milling, from the pious and meditative "Romarski put" (Ivanec Pilgrimage Route) which you can take on a pilgrimage to Marija Bistrica, all the way to the Ivanec Mountaineering Bypass (Ivanečka planinarska obilaznica) where the view opens up to the spectacular Mt. Ivančica, every walker will find a piece of history, spiritual refreshment or an irresistible collage of natural beauty in his personal search.

Each promenade tells its own history and you can find what you are looking for everywhere. Happy walking!